Wednesday, July 12, 2006

a girl and her dog

adam took these before work this morning...henry is trying his hardest to get his share of honey nut cheerios. I suppose it was slightly cruel of me to hop on that little stool in the kitchen to eat my breakfast right there in front of him. I just wanted to spend a bit more quality time with him before i went off to work. It's too bad I hadn't brushed my hair yet or put on a lick of powder or lip gloss or something. meanwhile, i took about 25 pictures of a new necklace, and not a one turned out. maybe I should have adam give it a try?

I took a lunch break out of the office again today. Walked myself right on over to the MTV commissary with new {free} Glamour magazine in hand. Settled on some soup and crackers and found a nice little table on the patio. Ahhh...nice day again. . .

. . . AND THEN {and this is horrible} most annoying office man/boy asks if he can sit at the table with me. I am nice and say "yes" thinking that of course he can see I am reading a magazine and won't bother me with blabber. I am so wrong. He blabbers, asking me questions, I try to be nice and I just can't build up the courage to say something like, "Sorry to be rude, but I'm really enjoying reading this magazine quietly and enjoying the outdoors." He just keeps talking. and he's talking about things he shouldn't be talking about....being all negative about our company and stuff. So, I calmly put the lid on my soup and said, "well, I better head back. Enjoy your lunch."

On the one hand, I feel awful for being so annoyed , but on the other, this guys was talking #$% for no reason. Quite funny when I think about it now actually. better luck tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I just love the first picture of you and Henry. You look just like the little girl I so remember.
As for the idiot guy, maybe he just needed to vent, and maybe you helped him out by just listening, the #*$#*#.
Love You,
Aunt Sharon

julie said...

yes, better luck tomorrow!!

Anastasia said...

oh how cute!! great pics!
how funny about your co-worker
he obviously didnt get the drift...

thebutterflycollector said...

so it isn't just me who gets annoying strangers and such sitting next to me just at the wrong moments!!!! Great stuff in your shop at the moment!!! Love the gate thankyou cards!

Anonymous said...


I love the pics and can SO vision that whole scenario and your demeanor with the annoyance. You know I understand the frustration at a disruption during a fresh mag!

Hugs to you and my bf, Henry.

Bri Ana said...

Oh, I love that pic... even if you don't feel you look your absolute snazziest, those are the moments that are wonderful to capture. What a lovely morning.

As far as annoying men go, I ususaly find a short reference to *my husband* kills most seemingly innocuos conversations cold. Granted, I'm not married but it works just as well...

Anonymous said...

OMG your dog is entirely adorable!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic of you two!